第二天,好友冰和賊他們會從檳城駕車到Kuala Perlis然后再轉坐Ferry來Langkawi找我們…
起床后,就快快去梳洗準備… 等梳洗出來后,Dear很貼心地幫我泡了一杯咖啡~
~(@^_^@)~ 是幸福的咯~~~~~
好,話不多說… 出發到Kuah Jetty哪里載冰和賊咯~~
载了他们后,我们第一站就到Kuah Jetty附近的Eagle Square去走走,拍拍照片的~
[#M_ Continue… | Finished… |
幸好天啊公sayang我們,等我們在那里拍完照片后才下雨~ 啊不然我們就真的O-O-Coconut!!
本來接下來我們就要駕車到Sungai Kilim Nature Park去Mangrove Tour的…
可是下那么大雨怎樣坐船出去呢???? 只好找個地方坐下來邊吃邊等雨停吧~~~
吃完后,外面還是下著毛毛雨… call個電話給那個為我們準備Mangrove Tour的abang…
他說哪里也下著雨,可是他說表緊喔~ 因為等我們駕車到了那里時,雨應該也停了吧~
到了那里后,還是有下著毛毛雨咯~ 可是表緊,沒有什么大影響的,還是可以坐船出海…
(我們昨晚已經跟Kak CT談妥好了,RM240 per boat,就是4個人RM60… 已經算是蠻便宜了~)
我們的船還沒有到,所以我們就邊到處拍拍照,邊等船來… (:*
好啦~ 我們的船終于來咯!!!!!! 興奮到~
yoyoyoyo~ 開始我們Mangrove Tour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO GO GO!!!!!!!!!
our handsome & friendly boatman+tour guide
forgot to ask him what his name!! :P
Mangrove Tour的首站 – 蝙蝠洞Bat Cave…
1. yoyo… We are adventure heroine!!! XD
2. Guess What??
1st pic – Do you see that, it is the shape of heart??? In fact, these are the bat’s shit… XD
2nd pic – Many bats ah~~ bat man… deng deng deng deng … bat man… XD
參觀完Bat Cave后,接著我們就要去下一站…
boatman:”nak minum air kelapa?”
us:”sebiji berapa??”
boatman:”sebiji rm4 shj, nak tak???”
us:”rm4?? tak nak… XD”
Mangrove Tour的第二站 – Fish Farm…
On the way to Fish Farm…
Jeff so hiao la!!! XD
tuo diao~ tuo diao~ tuo diao~
1. These fish very smart and will spray water1~!!!!
2. put the bread on my finger, feeding the fish… yo… gelinya~ hehe
yi………..~ apa ni?? wa tak dau lo… jgn tanya i~~~ yi~~~~~~~
finger massage… gelinya~~ tat’s my finger lo~~ XD
wao…. this fish very big+long~~~ <。)#)))≦
walao… Huge Fish!!!!!!!!
Close contact with Devil Rays… Its body is very slippery~ (:*
We @ Fish Farm… WEEEE~
途中拍拍拍~~~ XD
Mangrove Tour的第三站 – Crocodiles Cave…
其實沒有東西看的咯~ 埋是一個沒有鱷魚了的鱷魚洞咯~ LOL~
Mangrove Tour的第四站 – Eagles Feeding…
不是我們是喂老鷹… 是去看人家為老鷹,還是遠距離那個… :P
Mangrove Tour的最后一站 – Kilim Geoforest Park…
can you see the shape of shoe at over there?
Can you see has a turtle at the top ?
Boatman: “From here can go to Thailand oh~”
Us:”really??? then u fetch us go… BANGKOK SHOPPING!!!!! GO GO GO!!!!”
Boatman:”ok… no problem… GO GO GO!!!!!!”
(After saying, he would turn around and take us to the Kilim Geoforest Park… CHE~ XD)
回到碼頭時,看到對岸有很多猴子… (其實在上船之前bying他們已經去買了一包花生~)
我們要求boatman把船駕到對岸去好讓我們喂喂猴子吃花生!!! (:*
handsome boatman feeding his frn… i forgot the his frn’s name :P
因為他實在真的太friendly了~ 而且他還一直幫我們”揸機”拍照的說!!! 謝謝他咯~~ :D
就醬結束了我們2個小時半的Mangrove Tour… 5個字形容… 又爽又開心!!
more photos @ my facebook